TV2: Leading Innovation

The Context

TV2’s ambition is to be one of the most creative media houses in Denmark. When they approached us, they were looking for innovative concepts for engaging the Danes and ways of telling the stories of the next genral election in Danmark in new ways that combined traditional media with digital channels and utilities. They were also looking for new structures and ways of working that would help them encourage creativity throughout the organisation.

The Journey

We helped TV2 design and facilitate a creative process across the organisation, that could utilise the collective creativity of the organisation, and result in innovative concepts. We investigated new types of journalism, interactive media, and technology to spark inspiration and new ideas. Several concepts were developed, tested, and evaluated. Through simple tools and methods, we introduced project managers and journalists to ways in which they could lead and stimulate creative collaboration and reach innovative results in their daily work.

The Results

  • A catalog with more than 25 innovative concepts.

  • Selected concepts prototyped and tested with users.

  • Several ideas directly implemented within existing structures.

  • Tools and methods applied directly into daily work in teams.

We had a great process with Thomas Reibke and developed both as a group and as individuals. In very concrete ways, he showed us that the secret of developing great ideas isn’t that secret after all. Today I know how to inspire creativity. Living up to that is not easy, but having a new set of tools is comforting. Today I use them everywhere I go.
— Kristoffer Pinholt, editor in chief, TV2 Denmark.

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